WARNING: Don’t Click ‘Overpopulated’ Posts On Facebook

Shared from http://www.allfacebook.com

WARNING: Don’t Click ‘Overpopulated’ Posts On Facebook

The latest scamware circulating on Facebook refrains aspects of a chain message from last month, only this time around malware accompanies the message: an erroneous warning that the site will close inactive accounts and asking people to verify they’re active.

Clicking on the link to verify your account starts a download of “view_your_problem” that introduces malware to your machine. a permission window, and if you click “allow,” the application takes you to a page offering a choice of six marketing surveys that all promise discounts and prizes, but only make a commission for the spammer if you complete the questionnaire.
And while the scamware takes you to the survey pages on a website away from Facebook, the app makes two posts to your wall. One of them warns about overpopulation and the other confirms that you’ve verified your account. Your friends’ walls might be spared from additional spam if you don’t make it all the way to the end of the survey.
Like our friends at Facecrooks point out, if you’ve already clicked “allow” so that this application could download onto your machine, delete all signs of it from your account. That means clicking on the x’s next to both posts on your wall, and then removing the app — click on the “account” link in the upper right hand corner of any page on the site, then click on “privacy settings” in the drop-down menu, and so on.
Readers, have you seen any posts on your contacts’ news feeds warning about so-called overpopulation? And has anyone reported this scamware to Facebook yet?

Defined – Scareware comprises several classes of scam software with malicious payloads, or of limited or no benefit, that are sold to consumers via certain unethical marketing practices. The selling approach uses social engineering to cause shock, anxiety, or the perception of a threat, generally directed at an unsuspecting user. Some forms of spyware and adware also use scareware tactics.


Rogue Application:

Defined – There are weaknesses in facebook that allow unscrupulous facebook application developers access to your facebook information and to use your facebook account as a means to spread a fake viral message/ad across facebook. Once you install a rogue app it does not function as promised. It instead mines your data and/or spam’s your wall in an attempt to spread itself to your friends and throughout facebook.


Facebook Clean Up
You need to be aware that if you have installed any bad apps into your facebook profile or clicked any clickjacked or likejacked links within facebook, you may be currently spamming your wall and or your friends news feeds with the apps or links viral/scam messages. If this has occurred you must remove the messages from your wall by deleting the post and or remove the rogue app by uninstalling it from your facebook profile.

How to remove an Application from your profile:
If you have made the mistake of following thru with the install of a rogue application, Please do the following:
  1. Navigate to your Privacy settings- (Click Account, then “Privacy Settings”).
  2. Then under the heading “Applications, Games, and Websites” click “Edit Settings”.
  3. To the right of the heading “Applications You Use” Click the “Edit Settings” button.
  4. Finally find the application name in your list and click the “Little X” to the right of that name. Follow the facebook prompt to remove the app.
What to do if you’ve downloaded Software to your Computer
If you have followed one of the links on facebook to an external website or downloaded a piece of software you are unsure of and believe you may have got a virus infection, I suggest you immediately uninstall any software you may have installed, then run a virus check on your system.

Damage Control written by Mr. Black Knight (Co-admin BDE) Owner   ───► Scam Sniper ◄─── 

Tip: If you follow these 10 facebook anti-hacked commandments, you will be less vulnerable to having your facebook account hacked.

1. Never give out your facebook user name & password.
2. Keep the email address associated with your facebook account under lock and key.
3. Use strong passwords.
4. Don’t click links while on facebook or other web locations indiscriminately.
5. Don’t follow any emails to facebook.
6. Make sure you are logging onto http://www.facebook.com
7. Don’t accept every friend request sent your way.
8. Do not leave your computer on with your Facebook account open.
9. Be sure to have a fully working and Up-To-Date anti virus software on your computer.
10. Share these commandments with everyone on facebook.

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